When it comes to losing weight, should you hit the road or build muscles in the gym? Runners say that cardio is the easiest way to fire up your body fat and body builders say that strength training will help you burn calories every single second of the entire day.
So which is best?
Both arguments are correct. You burn fat when you're heart beats in the aerobic zone (65% - 75% of the MHR). You also burn more calories every second of the day when you have more muscles. But the best way is, first of all, to follow what you like more. Run, row, strength training, dance, martial arts etc.
Fat loss is a product of work and the best exercise you'll ever do for that is the one that you’ll be more consistent with. If you start your fitness journey with running sessions while you hate it but you red somewhere or someone told you that is the best way to burn fat and slim down, then it's a matter of days before you quit.
A solid fitness plan include variety.

There's no need to spend hours in the gym if you'd rather hit the road, but changing your routine has benefits that go beyond weight. It's totally normal to get bored of the same spin class. Trying something new, like kickboxing or weight lifting, will feel less monotonous plus it will challenge your nervous system and your muscles to move in a new motion and intensity which will cause more calorie burning.
Losing weight shouldn't be the only reason you work out.
Aerobic activities have long been praised for making your heart stronger, lowering blood pressure and yes, burning calories. But studies show that regular cardiovascular activity may help lower stress, improve sleeping habits, and reduces joint stiffness.
Strength training is also beneficial because it increases bone density, lean muscle mass, and metabolism.
Bottom line.
Be active to be healthy. For all the above reasons. For yourself and to be able to help others.